According to N.Y.X. :
"Provides natural & lasting coverage of discolorations & imperfections without looking caked-on or clumpy. Super concentrated so just a little will do the job."
* its affordable! Got the Beige & Medium shade from MakeupMasala for $3.50 each, while the Light shade from a swap.
* its affordable! Got the Beige & Medium shade from MakeupMasala for $3.50 each, while the Light shade from a swap.
* very creamy, a little goes a long way
* lightweight feeling when applied all over my eyes
* doesn't crease & longlasting (make sure to set with loose powder). I'm using Skinfood's Buckwheat loose powder in #21
* very handy coz of its size.
* not available here in the Philippines
* difficult to choose colors online; that's why I bought 3 shades!
* coverage is sheer, did not totally cover my dark undereye circles.

NYX Concealer in a Jar in Light, Beige, Medium
Light - has a slight pink undertone. A bit light on my skintone but I use this on my undereye circles to lighten them. I think it will match NC15-20 skintones with pink undertones.
Beige - Perfect match! Perfect for NC20-25, with yellow undertones.
Medium - slightly dark on me. I think this shade will suit typical Pinay's with NC30-35 skintones.
My other Concealer Reviews : Click here.
Swatch time!!

Light, Beige and Medium
Note: Light shade matches my inner arm (i have slightly pink undertones here) while the Beige shade matches my face (with slightly yellow undertones).
Weird huh?! Maybe I have Neutral undertones? Enlighten me ladies! hehe
Let me know what concealer/s worked for you.. Xiao!
Another great review from you! Thanks Khymm. I think I will check these concealers out. But--do they break you out? I have heard that these contain mineral oil and it's not very good for the oily and acne prone (which I am both).
Thanks Chrissy!!
Yes, one of the ingredients is Mineral Oil. I only apply it on my undereyes and pimple marks. Luckily, it didn't break me out.. =)
I think it broke me out.. I am not sure but I am afraid to try again. hehe. I have the beige one.
thanks for the review dear! i'm also very curious about this since the reviews are so great.
nice review sis! hmm.. i'm actually thinking of getting one..
also am a die hard for these little pots! The only thing I hate is the smell other and yea the fact that it is not available here in the phils. :[ never tried mac concealers but I tested them from the MAC couter @ shang and i'm not that impressed.. maybe becoz it just performs a lil bit much than my NYX beige. luv luv luv it. Thanks for the review. :]
I'm glad you liked this too! :) true about all your pros :)
the beige one looks nice.. nice review, i was thinking of ordering them but don't know what shade to buy.. your post is really helpful.. btw, how many grams in a pot??thanks
DIANE - oh! too bad to hear that! What concealer are you using now?
CRYSTAL, PURPLESILKE - thanks! try nyo din! =) hehe
PAULA - oh yeah! true, it has a weird plastic scent! i forgot to include that one! thanks! =)
NIKKI - after reading your review, gusto ko talaga shang i-try! =)
DONNARENCE - its 7g. Same as the MAC studiofinish concealer. Haven't tried it though coz im happy with the MAC SELECT Cover up.
yay, great review. thanks for the swatches of the 3, that's a good comparison of the 3 shades :)
Excellent review sis. You're right, medium resembles MAC studio finish concealer in nc35. Beige does look like nc30 to me. The swatches are really helpful. ^_^
Yay! And I thought I was the only one that had slightly pink AND slightly yellow undertones xD Maybe we are called Neutral =P
hi khymm, i like your blog, i was so confused on what shade to choose since i havent seen the concealer itself.. i have pink undertones and fair skin.. you said that the LIGHT concealer matches pink undertones.. I have to choose between FAIR and LIGHT.. and what is the " NC15-20 skintone" thing? how would i know my skin tone? is there any site that you can recommend for me to understand that skintone thing.. :) thank you.. i really like your blog..
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