Spend vs. Save : MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack

Kung Hei Fat Choi girls!
Wishing you all good health, happiness and success!

and oh, Happy hearts day too!

I borrowed my sister's fluidline to make a comparison.
Hope you find this post useful.


Both are made of glass jars.

MAC - 3 grams
Maybelline - 2.8 grams

MAC is a bit creamier than Maybelline.

Same intense black color.

(click images to zoom)

(On bare hands without primer)
After a few minutes upon application, I rubbed it several times - it didn't budge or smudge!

When I placed my hand under running water and rubbed it twice, both liners smudged.
Maybelline smudged more than MAC, but hey- just a little bit!

See pic below.

Make sure to tightly close the jar after opening to prevent gel eyeliners from drying fast.

Other gel eyeliners I've tried:
Fanny Serrano gel eyeliner - dries easily after a month. Flaky texture.
Elianto gel eyeliner
- creamy consistency at first. Dries easily too, making it difficult to use.

Blacktrack is a nice gel eyeliner, but if you want to save a few bucks I really recommend Maybelline! Its a dupe of MAC Fluidline IMO. I've had this for more than a month the texture is still creamy.

Till next time,


oOchaOo said...

thanks for the review sis!
im loving my maybelline gel liner too :) pero hg ko na is stila smudgepots ~~

Bea said...

hi sis. thank you for this review. uhm, pag nag dry yung gel liners mo, try mo yung tutorial ko.. :)

Tish said...

I love my maybelline gel liner, too! It's the one that I use in all my FOTDs.

Is the volume/net content the same?

Anonymous said...

hindi ko pa natry yung sa maybelline,badtrip oos since december :(

Nikkisho said...

Thanks for the review.i have a fanny serrano gel eyeliner but after some weeks it dried up so i returned to using my liquid eyeliner.will get the maybelline.thanks ^-^

Miss Shopcoholic said...

thanks for the comments girls!

@tish - i forgot to include the weight. maybelline is 2.8g while MAC is 3g.

Bijin Blair said...

Thanks for the comparison! I think I'd go for the Maybelline one, it's so much cheaper plus it comes with a brush :)

- - aika - - said...

is it available na here?

AskMeWhats said...

I haven't tried Maybelline, glad to know its good especially for ladies who doesn't want to spend much :) Great post!

maki said...

thanks for the review sis..very helpful

MyLifeMits said...

really great review and comparison of the two! thank you very much :)

Maui (Suushh) said...

Ive seen my class mates use this, very promising hehe ill try this one next when my loreal gel liner dries out =)

jo.frougal said...

Thanks for this review, definitely worth knowing!

Madt said...

Hi sis, just read your review about Maybelline now. I have to agree, you save more with Maybelline and their gel eyeliner is so good! I love it!

Aoibheal said...

hmm... I think I'm going to buy this tonight~~~ :)

My friend had her few months old MAC eyeliner dried up (she kept it in air-conditioned room) and she only use 1/5 out of the pot. Bad2...

Amee said...

great post gal... i also have maybelline gel liner and was planning from long to buy mac gel liner but it is expensive so was not able to buy.. thanks to ur post i am happy and satisfied with my maybelline liner.. :)
thank u...

my recent post: Review – Sigma Hollywood Glamour Retractable Kabuki Brush – Princess Grace in Pink color

Amee :)