Wondering what concealer shade suits you?
Yes I'm aware that NC means "Neutral Cool" and NW for "Neutral warm", but this is easier to remember =)
Yes I'm aware that NC means "Neutral Cool" and NW for "Neutral warm", but this is easier to remember =)
NC means Not Cool = Warm skintones
NW means Not Warm = Cool skintones
Learn more about MAC's Shade Guide HERE.
NC is yellow toned and suits almost all skintones. Choose a shade lighter if you want to brighten the undereye area or a your skintone shade if you want to hide pimples /blemishes.
NW on the other hand is a peachy-beige that suits cool or neutral skintones. This shade also counteracts dark undereye circles.
Hope this post helps. =)
Till next time,

I always go with a yellow toned ones. Yay! I want one too :P
thanks for the review. if ever there will come a time that i want some mac concealers, ill visit you because you have nice reviews about concealers =)
i dont know how to speak bisaya, but bisaya is a pretty famous language in the philippines, so i happen to know some because of watching movies. i love pilita corales kapag nag ce cebuana bisaya siya. guwapa is pretty right? haha. i hope i did well.
short but very helpful tip. thanks khymm.
Helpful post sis.. This will really help those who are not so familiar with MAC's shade... =)
that's a great way to remember it!
NC (not cool) instead of the original Neutral Cool and NW (not warm) which stands for Neutral Warm.
great post!!
ohhhh thank you!!! this really helped :)) i'm NC :))
Oh wow! I love MAC. Awesome blog, love!
Oh wow! This is great because I JUST bought NC20 over the weekend... I wonder whether I should consider getting the NW20 for my dark circles?
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