Vitapack 3 in 1 Beauty pack (pink carton) is specially formulated combination of three (3) capsules for whitening, slimming and stronger immunity. This product is made from 100% natural plant extracts and essential vitamins. I have been taking this for 5 consecutive nights already and so far I didn't notice any side effects. I can't wait till I finish the whole box and share to you my experience with this product.
Vitapack 3 in 1 Energy pack (black carton) on the other hand is a combination of three (3) capsules to stay awake, improve memory and strengthen immunity. Like the Beauty pack, this is also made from natural ingredients. This is perfect for students, call center agents, office workers and anyone on-the-go!
Last week at Shangrila Mactan Resort & Spa, I got the chance to meet Ms. Cathy Mapa and Mr. Arthur Bautista from Everest Pacific (makers of Vitapack). Cathy was here in Cebu for a short family vacation while Arthur visited the outlets here in Cebu. It was so nice of them to invite me to dinner at Acqua. We really had fun chatting as if we've been long time friends hehe

Inggit ako sa figure ni Ms. Cathy, di halata may 2 kids na pala sha hehe
Mr. Bautista is the man behind Vitapack's formulation & the President of Everest Pacific.

Suggested retail price:
Vitapack 3 in 1 Beauty pack - P65/sachet; P650 for 1 box (10 sachets)
Vitapack 3 in 1 Enerboost pack - P35/sachet; P350 for 1 box (10 sachets)
Note: 1 sachet (3 capsules) is good for 1 day use.
Available at Watson's stores.
Please check out their Facebook page:
I'll be posting my full review in a week. Be sure not to miss it.
Till next time,

I want to try the beauty pack too!
Vitapack crosses cities! Would've loved to be with you in our lunch with the same people at Inagiku, Shangri-La Makati this morning. :)
Love love love this supplement!
Too bad :( We didnt get to meet you guys, but they were so nice to meet up with me separately
Yey! Excited to try this tooo!!! Thanks in advance Khymmie!! And thanks for seeing me earlier!! Enjoy your date :-)
The Glamarazzi
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